I encourage open discussions and look forward to any comments, stories and experiences you want to share. However, this is a public blog, and you should therefore not share any personal medical information which you wish to be held confidential. We look forward to your participation. I can not respond to every comment, particularly those that deal with individual medical cases and issues. The information provided on this website is for informational purposes only and is not intended to take the place of consultation with your physician.
Dr. Lucille W. Ijoy does not give medical advice via her websites or blog site and will not respond to patient-specific clinical questions posted on this blog. This site is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment, nor is the information provided herein intended to replace consultation with a qualified physician or other health care provider. Use of this blog shall not constitute establishment of a physician/patient or clinical relationship with any individual, nor establishment of or offer to enter into a business relationship with any institution or organization. Any questions that you may have regarding the diagnosis, care or treatment of a medical condition or any scenarios described in this blog should be directed to your physician. If you are seeking specific medical advice, please contact your physician or call 911 in the case of an emergency.